Monday, January 6, 2025We all probably know that we could stand to be a little more conscientious behind the wheel. Still, we’re all human, and we all make mistakes. The unfortunate thing is that when we make driving mistakes, we might pay to pay the price. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 4, 2024There are many factors that may influence your car insurance rates for various reasons that all add up to a single factor: your risk. Insurance providers calculate premiums primarily based on 1) how likely someone is to file a claim and 2) how much risk the provider will face by insuring them. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2024Although getting behind the wheel may seem like a simple, everyday task, it could be one of the most dangerous things you do all day long. As a defensive driver, you can help avoid motorized crashes and lower your risk of costly insurance claims. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 8, 2024Starting to drive is an exciting and nerve-wracking venture. It’s reasonable that you may have questions, even some you are too embarrassed to ask your insurance agent. Here are some important car insurance basics to know before you hit the road. Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Teenagers? READ MORE >>
Friday, December 29, 2023For your safety, you should always keep a few emergency items in your car’s trunk. However, during wintertime, you should add a few additional items to prepare for the worst. Yes, though rare, you can even experience snow and ice in California. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 15, 2023When it comes to auto insurance, the legal minimum doesn't cover much more than basic liability. So, when people refer to full coverage, they typically mean a policy that includes liability, comprehensive and collision. Liability is required by law. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 16, 2023Have you ever made a mistake and backed into a street sign when leaving a parking spot? Have you ever misjudged your clearance and hit your mailbox? If your car sustains damage, even if it is just cosmetic, it still might not be nice to look at. Therefore, you might want to repair the damage and wonder if your car insurance can help. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 13, 2022Making on-time payments to your auto insurance company is critical. Usually, making your payment at one time to cover the entire coverage period is best. If that’s not possible, many insurers allow you to make monthly payments. However, missing just one of those payments can lead to the cancellation of your policy. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 13, 2022Did You Know? Every new car must meet certain federal safety standards, but that doesn’t mean that all cars are equally safe. Many automakers offer safety features beyond the required federal minimums. Find out more about what safety features should be considered when purchasing a car. READ MORE >>
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