Many people buy home insurance for at least two reasons. Your mortgage lender probably requires home insurance as a condition of your mortgage loan and you may have wanted to protect your investment in the event of a catastrophic loss.
Here’s more on how your home insurance policy protects you inside your home and elsewhere.
Home Insurance Protection
Many homeowners don't realize that there are additional benefits to covering their property under a home insurance policy. Here are some of the different ways your policy can work for you.
Living Expenses
If your home undergoes repairs or a total rebuild, your home insurance policy probably covers the cost. However, your insurer might also reimburse you for living expenses while you cannot use your home. It can take months to return your home to its condition before the disaster. So, this is a significant benefit. Each policy varies but may include a short-term rental or hotel, utilities, and a food and laundry allowance.
Lost Or Stolen Items During Travel
Your home insurance policy probably has a provision for luggage and personal items lost or stolen while you travel. Check your policy or consult with your agent to find out if this includes items you ship to your home. As an example, someone might steal your luggage from your hotel room or take your bag on a train. Many home insurance policies cover these losses.
Damaged Grave Markers
Believe it or not, your home insurance may cover a grave marker or headstone. If you own a grave and someone steals or vandalizes it, your home insurance pays for the loss. Check your policy for the minimal limit. Many policies cover claims over $1,000.
Loss Following a Power Outage
If you lose power, you may incur significant losses due to refrigerated and frozen food items. You could receive partial reimbursement, depending on your deductible.
Actions of Your Pet
Many home insurance policies cover the actions of a pet. For example, If your dog bites a neighbor or delivery person, you can file a claim with your insurer.
Falling Debris
If falling debris hits your home and damages it, most home insurance companies pay for the damages. This covers debris from a passing aircraft or meteor, for example. You may feel better knowing you are covered in these unusual circumstances.